
God of war 4 pc download cpy password
God of war 4 pc download cpy password

Also avoid jumping, if a Gorgon gets you stone in the sky.fall and splat. Try to never let the Gorgons hit you, they drain your health far to quickly to accept their attacks. If you block an attack just before it hits you, you can then blow a few people off the edge by hitting square soon after the attack lands. Sometimes right as one finishes another begins, it's okay just keep rolling until they're done. When the Gorgons try to turn you to stone, this is the patients needed part, roll around with the left analog stick until they're done. Attack in all directions with square, and if you see an opening use the might of Hercules on a group of enemies. When it runs dry, you're still only about 1/8 of the way through. When you get to stage 8, use it immediatly. Throughout the first seven challenges, conserve your Rage of the Gods, DONT USE IT. Okay so I devloped this strategy to conquor all the Gorgons and undead soldiers. Because I was stuck like there was to be no end on stage 8 of 10 on the Challenge of the Gods listed in your treasures after you beat the game.

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I don't know about you guys, maybe I'm just not as good a gamer as I think. Even with these tips, you will need a few tries to beat this part, I know that I did. Don't worry about the clone throwing Zeus's Fury at you, he is on a seperate platform and will die when the clones stop appearing. The Blade of Artemis con kill them in two-three hits. When the rate they come slows down, you are close to the end. With that, you could get two more Army of Hades attacks in. You should also have Athena's Blessing for unlimited magic.

god of war 4 pc download cpy password

Now use Rage of the Gods with the Blade of Artemis. Eventually the clones will come out with the Blade of Artemis. Don't forget to transfer health to your family if they have half of there life left. The clones will come more and more often, if needed use the Army of Hades to take care of some of them. Soon the house will fall apart and you will be on a platform that you can fall off of. First the clones are pretty weak, if your blades are at level five, use the Square, hold Square move to clear them. This fight takes a long time so don't get impatient. You can give health back to the family if you get close to them and hit circle. Soon several Kratos clones will come out and attack the wife and child so you have to protect them. You will be at the temple where Kratos killed his wife and child. There are some puzzle sections as well as a part where you are flying on a Pegasus that help keep the gameplay fresh.After beating the first part of the fight with Ares, you are sent to another demension. Kratos plays like a total badass in this game. No matter how many fights you get into the combat is so satisfying that it never once feels old. The gameplay is a lot of fun and is very heavily action-based.

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For me though, the Blades of Chaos are the most fun to use and what I associate most with Kratos. Many other weapons and spells can be learned and they can all be upgraded as you play. It plays just like the first game and once again the Blades of Chaos are your main weapons. The gameplay of God of War 2 is even more brutal than the first. They have been given the same kind of polish that the game graphics have and as a result, it makes the whole experience far grander than it was on the PS2. The CG cutscenes in this game are just gorgeous and not only do they get you very invested in the story. You go through so many varied locations that things never get boring. From areas filled with lava, snow and dark dingy areas. It is really the different locations that I feel make God of War 2 stand above its already mighty predecessor.

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While Kratos and the various creatures and bosses all look great. I really do think that you could make a case that this looks so good, you would believe it was developed on a PlayStation 3 and not a 2.


However, the HD remaster that is done for the PS3 is incredible. The voice acting and acting, in general, is once again amazing.

God of war 4 pc download cpy password